Find out what to expect during a cyclone and actions you can take to stay safe.

What to expect

The intensity of wind and rain you experience depends on where the cyclone is.  You may experience the eye of the cyclone with its most destructive wind and rain. If you live further away, the wind and rain will be less intense.

The noise from the wind and rain can be very loud, with crashing and banging sounds that can occur for many hours.

Seas will be rough with huge swells. If you own a boat, do not go out on the water when a cyclone warning has been issued. Storm surge is also likely which can put coastal structures and homes at risk.

When a cyclone alert or warning has been issued

  • Follow directions on how to stay safe in the official warning.
  • Remind everyone in your household of your cyclone plan, including for pets and animals.
  • Prepare your property inside and out.
  • Locate your emergency kit and add your additional items.  
  • Make sure everyone knows to call 000 in a life-threatening situation.
  • Check on family, friends and neighbours.
Securing your home and property
Storm surge

Leaving early for a safer place

You must evacuate if you are camping, travelling with a caravan or in a house that will not withstand forecast winds, flooding and storm surge.

If you need to evacuate and head to a safer location, leave before an Emergency Warning is issued. Leaving at the last minute is very dangerous. Your planned route may be blocked by fallen trees and fast flowing water.

When relocating:

Did you know?  Most cyclone-related deaths are from drowning. Floodwaters can take control of a 4WD in just 30cm of flowing water. For cars, it is only 15cm.

Sheltering during a cyclone

If sheltering at home, fill sinks, buckets, containers and bath with clean water in case mains water supply is affected.

When a Emergency Warning has been issued, you must stay inside. It is extremely dangerous to go outside during the cyclone as flying debris can cause injury.

If you are sheltering at home, look for ways to keep yourself and your family safe. For example, moving to a room without windows, using mattresses and cushions for protection.

Stay informed

DFES will provide regular cyclone warning updates.

Always have your battery-powered radio with you and listen for emergency broadcasts.  If you have an internet connected device, stay up to date through Emergency WA, DFES Facebook, or 13 3337.

Important note: A drop in wind may mean you are experiencing the eye of the cyclone. Destructive winds will return very soon. Do not go outside until the warning says it is safe to do so.

In life threatening situations

Even if you have planned well, life threatening situations can still happen. Your shelter could be damaged, or someone could become ill or injured. For life threatening emergencies call 000.

Emergency responders will try to come to your aid. However, there may be delays due to the dangerous conditions. If you shelter in your home, it is very important that you know the risks and what you may  experience.

Once the cyclone has passed

Once the cyclone has passed you must follow the safety advice in the warning. An Advice or Watch and Act might still be issued, depending on the remaining hazards and risk still present. Care should be taken to avoid dangers caused by damage such as fallen power lines, structural debris and road hazards.

Do not enter your property if it is seriously damaged. It may be unsafe. Call the State Emergency Service on 132 500 for assistance.

View current alerts

More Information

Cyclone Overview

Follow our advice to get prepared, stay informed and keep safe during tropical cyclone season.

Learn more

Prepare for a cyclone

Find out how to prepare your family, home, pets and animals for tropical cyclone season.

Learn more

Recovering from a cyclone

Find out what to expect during a cyclone and actions you can take to stay safe until the All Clear has been given.

Learn more